Natual Healing Guide - Blog & Video

Elixirs of Life - July 2024 Workshop glycerites herbs make your own teas tinctures workshop May 29, 2024

Elixirs of Life: Learn the Art of Herbal Medicine Making (Teas, Tinctures & Glycerites)


Nature provides a host of medicinal plants. Begin creating your own herbal pharmacy or add to what you already have. Learn the ins and outs of making herbal teas, tinctures, and glycerites....

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Boosting Milk Supply Naturally breastmilk herbs milk supply nursing twins Dec 20, 2023


Human breast milk was designed especially for human infants. I was blessed to have twins as my fifth and sixth children. My boys were born a little bit early, but both were a good size, each weighing over six pounds. My mother lived out of state and was excited to help. She consulted an...

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When There Is No Doctor: Nature's Remedies 2-Day Workshop 2023 emergency fire cider first-aid harvest herbs homeopathy infused oils infusions & decoctions nature walk tinctures urgency workshop Aug 07, 2023


Our 2-day hands-on workshop was held at The Cottage, in Utah County, Utah. 


This two-day workshop highlighted plant identification and various first-aid uses of over 20 herbs, multiple natural therapies and remedies, and even a special suture technique that doesn't pierce the...

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Tinctures, Oils & Salves Workshop 2023 capsules herbs infused oils infusions & decoctions nature walk salves tinctures workshop Jul 31, 2023

Our adventure began Saturday morning at "The Cottage" located in Utah County, Utah.

The forecast predicted 101-degree weather so we began our day with a Nature Walk, learning how to recognize medicinal herbs, and even harvested a few. 

The workshop adventure continued inside "The Cottage"...

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Supplemental capsules herbal tea herbs supplement tinctures vitamins whole foods Jul 13, 2023


Vitamins, Powders, Drinks, Shots!

What's your supplement of choice? Vitamin pills, protein powder, energy drinks, energy shots? Something you might not have considered is that supplements are often extracts of a whole food focused on one nutrient or active ingredient. Let me open your...

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Workshops at The Cottage events herbal health herbs medicine making nature's remedies oils salves tinctures workshops Jun 08, 2023

We are thrilled to offer several summer workshops at The Cottage!


Nurtured by Nature - Herbal Basics

28 July 2023, Friday

For thousands of years cultures around the world have used herbs for health and healing. Think about that. Both vast and small populations, in every corner of the...

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One Herb - So Many Uses! herbs modern medicine pharmaceuticals Feb 15, 2023


As we start talking about herbs, and we will because we are Herbalists, there is a concept that is sometimes difficult to comprehend. And this is it: that one herb has potentially dozens of uses. When I first started learning about herbs this idea seemed very foreign to me. How can...

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A Little Something for that Bloody Nose bloody nose cayenne herbs Dec 06, 2022

Staunching the Flow

When I came into the house other day, I found my adult son on the couch, his head tilted back, with a wad of bloody tissue stuffed up his nose. He and his family were over visiting and had arrived while I was out watering. As soon as I took in the situation I told him, I had...

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