A Little Something for that Bloody Nose

bloody nose cayenne herbs Dec 06, 2022

Staunching the Flow

When I came into the house other day, I found my adult son on the couch, his head tilted back, with a wad of bloody tissue stuffed up his nose. He and his family were over visiting and had arrived while I was out watering. As soon as I took in the situation I told him, I had something for that. He said his nose had been bleeding for the better part of an hour.

I again said, "I have something for that!", and added, "Are you brave enough to take it?"

When he nodded, I went into the kitchen and filled a shot glass with water, adding half a dropper of cayenne tincture. Then, I filled a second glass with water  to "put out the fire" that was about to ignite.

Fully Ignited

I handed my son the shot glass and invited him to drink it. Instead of shooting it back like anyone else with a shot glass would instinctively do, he sipped, and sipped, until it was finally gone - and the fire was fully ignited. With tears streaming down his face he grabbed the other cup of water, closed his eyes, and tried to relieve the burning fire.  

As I watched more tears flow down his cheeks, I told him it would take a minute or less to work . At a minutes time he opened his eyes and said, "something is happening", then went to the bathroom to check things out. He returned a moment later without a tissue in his nose and said cautiously, "I think it worked!" as he gingerly tipped his head forward to test the supposition… No blood. It worked!

Best Emergency Herb

"Dr. Christopher said of cayenne that it was 'one of the greatest herbs of all time'. He used this herb as a specific for hemorrhaging, high and low blood pressure, heart troubles, heart attacks, varicose veins, and hypoglycemia. 'It equalizes the blood stream from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet.' By spreading out the blood, he explains, there is less of it in the area of the hemorrhage, which very quickly --'by the time you count to ten'--stops" (Wood, 2009).


Kelly Summers, is a Master Herbalist & Natural Healing Guide®. She knows that knowledge is empowering and deeply desires to share the insights she has learned through her continued journey of learning.



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Maiti, R., Rodriguez, H. G., & Narvaez, R. I. V. (2015). A Study on Autoecology and Ecophysiology of Chile Piquin (Capsicum annuum Aviculare Dierb), a Wild Chilli of High Medicinal and Commercial Value in Northeast Mexico. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 6(2), 292-299.

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Wood, Matthew (2009). The Earthwise herbal: a complete guide to old world medicinal plants. Berkeley (CA): North Atlantic Books; Vol 2. Capsicum annuum., Cayenne Pepper; p. 93-96.


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