Tinctures, Oils & Salves Workshop 2023

capsules herbs infused oils infusions & decoctions nature walk salves tinctures workshop Jul 31, 2023

Our adventure began Saturday morning at "The Cottage" located in Utah County, Utah.

The forecast predicted 101-degree weather so we began our day with a Nature Walk, learning how to recognize medicinal herbs, and even harvested a few. 

The workshop adventure continued inside "The Cottage" where we learned the history of medicinal herbal use, what affects the quality of herbs, and how to read and understand herbal monographs and lingo. 

 After lunch we used our senses to smell, touch, and taste dried herbs and herbal remedies, and even got to take samples of everything home. 

Making and drinking a Decoction. 

Tasting tisanes, making infusions and creating our own tea bag mixtures. 

Straining infused oil. 

Making a salve out of the infused oil. 

Making garlic oil. 

Straining a tincture. 

Learning about menstruum and extraction ratios. Making a tincture. 

Learning how to encapsulate powdered herbs. 

At the end of the day participants took home everything they made. 

Here's what our attendees are saying about the Tinctures, Oils & Salves Workshop

“Thank you! I learned a lot. I feel like I can make a salve, tincture & capsules on my own.”

“I really enjoyed the walk outside to see the plants and hear about the medicinal uses. Overall, very interesting and informative. I had a great time. Thank you.”

“Loved the nature walk and the hands on portion. Loved learning about the history and effectiveness/ types of herbs. I thought the content was really relevant and useful.”

“Hands on was wonderful – you always learn more when doing. Looking forward to using everything.”

The fun continues in our upcoming two-day workshop When There Is Not Doctor! 


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