One Herb - So Many Uses!

herbs modern medicine pharmaceuticals Feb 15, 2023


As we start talking about herbs, and we will because we are Herbalists, there is a concept that is sometimes difficult to comprehend. And this is it: that one herb has potentially dozens of uses. When I first started learning about herbs this idea seemed very foreign to me. How can one plant do so many things?! We live in a world where modern medicine has created pharmaceuticals to exhibit perhaps one or two responses in the body, not a dozen or two. How can one plant, produce so many different types of responses and address even more types of issues?

Understanding herbs requires a mindset adjustment. In our pill ingesting society we are conditioned to think one ingredient = one response. One pill for inflammation; one pill for heartburn; one pill for constipation, etc. What we need to keep in mind is that herbs have dozens (or more) components, or ingredients if you will. All of these components have different attributes.

When someone asks me for herbal advise with symptoms they are exhibiting, my husband will sometimes jestingly respond with something like: Take cayenne! It's good for…then he will conjure up half a dozen symptoms this herb could address. This is always performed as a joke, because it seems ridiculous that one plant can have so many different effects on the body. This is because of our modern day conditioning mindset.

Multiple Ingredients

Just like an orange contains a whole lot more than just vitamin C, like fructose, protein, fiber, potassium and more, herbs also contain more than one ingredient. All of these ingredients or components have different qualities. And each of these ingredients have different characteristics which will be enhanced, or diminished depending on how it is used or what it is used with. For instance: an herb can be used fresh, dried, tinctured, poulticed (or moistened with water and applied) poulticed topically, steeped in a warm infusion, steeped in a cold infusion, extracted in oil, or any number of other modes. Each form of use or extraction may alter the active ingredients and how your body utilizes these ingredients. One herb does not equal one response.

If you can grasp this concept, herbs become a fantastic world of wonder. So, as we introduce some of our go-to herbs and their various uses, you won't think we are up in the night when we list half a dozen, or a dozen, symptoms they address. Because every herb does more than one thing. For instance chamomile can be utilized for anxiety, bladder issues, jaundice and kidney issues, muscle cramps and spasms, gas, as an eye wash for conjunctivitis, and much more. One herb has many possible actions because it contains many compounds. Got it?

Let your mind be opened to the many possibilities of herbs.


Kristi Taylor is a Master Herbalist, Clinical Herbalist and Natural healing Guide®. She endeavors to share her knowledge and passion of natural healing with whomever will listen – because nature’s wisdom never ceases to delight and amaze!


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