Natual Healing Guide - Blog & Video

Quick-Draw Plantain drawing inflammation pain plantain plantain leaf sting swelling wasp Mar 26, 2024

White Man's Foot

I love my large yard! I spend hours tending my garden in the spring and summer. To my eyes it is a wonder of growth designed in the “natural style” (I let almost anything grow that wants to grow). There are many herbs I planted myself and others that just come...

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Health is Wealth! course diet genes health inflammation pain weight wellness Feb 09, 2024

Money can buy a lot of things in this world, but it can't buy health. Health is priceless! Changing your trajectory of health means enjoying life with vigor! Weight, disease, and pain are all signs your body needs help. Want to add some VIM to your VIGOR?!

Change your life beginning now, with ...

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Extracting Wisdom alternative healing homeopathy pain teeth May 17, 2023


Mom Knows Best

When my children were High School aged, one by one they needed their wisdom teeth removed. My memory of having all my wisdom teeth removed was not too bad. After the surgery I remember going home to rest. Mom gave me some small white homeopathic beads to take multiple times...

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