Natual Healing Guide - Blog & Video

Make Your Own Cayenne Tincture! apple cider vinegar cayenne circulation health benefits heart powerful herb stimulant tincture Mar 05, 2024

Cayenne pepper, often hailed as a powerful spice, offers a myriad of health benefits. Rich in capsaicin, the compound responsible for its fiery flavor, cayenne exhibits potent antioxidant properties, which can help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Capsaicin has...

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Accidents Happen! arnica bruise cayenne comfrey injury marshmallow root plantain leaf poultice May 31, 2023

Band Aid or Better?

Accidents happen. When they happened before I knew about first-aid herbs I just slapped on a band aide and hoped for the best. More serious injuries required a doctors visit. Now I slap more than a band aide on! I keep a supply of fabulous first-aide herbs on hand for just...

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A Little Something for that Bloody Nose bloody nose cayenne herbs Dec 06, 2022

Staunching the Flow

When I came into the house other day, I found my adult son on the couch, his head tilted back, with a wad of bloody tissue stuffed up his nose. He and his family were over visiting and had arrived while I was out watering. As soon as I took in the situation I told him, I had...

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