Natual Healing Guide - Blog & Video

10,000+ Food Additives?! better food chronic disease cravings diagnosis food health mental health processed food whole foods Jul 07, 2024


Safe or Not Safe?


There are over 10,000 food additives currently approved by the U.S. FDA. Food additives are added to food to modify texture, taste, and appearance, to extend shelf-life, or improve packaging.

I just read an article that came out on the safety of a food additive...

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Guacamole! Cha, Cha, Cha!! black lentils fiber food guacamole healthy legumes lentils Apr 26, 2023


Guacamole From Scratch - Super Simple Recipe

  • 1-3 Avocados - soft, ripe 
  • Red Onion - 1 tablespoon or more (I like more:)
  • Fresh garlic - about 1 clove  ;)
  • Himalayan salt - to taste (but be careful! A little goes a long way.) 
  • Lime Juice - fresh squeeze 1/2 lime (ish)
  • Salsa...
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Cause and Effect acne chocolate food health Nov 23, 2022


By my early twenties I was becoming really frustrated with the painful and unsightly acne that refused to wane years after puberty did its thing. My mother understood what a slap to a girl’s ego this was and took me to a dermatologist seeking the aid of a new acne wonder drug that we...

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