Mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr, and Homeopathy

alternative healing epstein-barr homeopathy Dec 13, 2022


When my older sister was around 11 or 12 years old, she was diagnosed with mononucleosis, commonly known as mono. She was extremely tired all the time - sleeping all night and most of the day. Her tonsils were very swollen and painful. It was difficult to swallow. Her symptoms lasted for about a month - it was a very slow recovery. I understood that once she had this disease it would never leave her body and it could return at any time – especially if she was rundown. I felt sorry for my sister.


If you are unfamiliar with Mononucleosis, it is a contagious viral infection, often caused by Epstein-Barr virus (which is in the Herpes family), but can also be caused by other viruses. Symptoms include; swollen lymph nodes in the neck and armpits, extreme fatigue, body aches and pains, sore throat, fever, and often a rash.

When I was sixteen, I got mono. I experienced the same extreme fatigue, my tonsils were swollen and tender, and my body felt like it was made of lead. Anything more than lying flat on my back required too much energy. I could not get off the couch. It was all I could do to make it down the hall so I did not have to use a bedpan. Eating and drinking required too much energy and I felt like I was withering away. After about a week my mother decided to take me to the doctor.

Strange Procedure

At the time, I did not realize I was being evaluated by a homeopathic doctor, who performed some very strange tests on me. One test in particular made me want to roll my eyes (if only I had the energy). I rolled them inwardly (multiple times). It was the most ridiculous test I had ever seen. The doctor placed a little metal rod between my toes, then evaluated a reading on a machine. He did this between all of my toes. What could he possibly find between my toes that could help me heal?! I was so grumpy I had not been taken to a real doctor who might actually be able to help me.


He made me up what I now understand to be a couple of tinctures and I was instructed to take a few drops of these medicines five times a day, under my tongue. He cautioned me that I would begin to feel better right away, but that I should still take it easy for the next few days as my body tried to regain its strength. I tried to be hopeful, but was not. I was too busy fuming that I had exerted all of my energies to get off the couch for this!

I followed his instructions anyhow, and a day later, almost like magic, I began to feel relief from my symptoms. Within three days I was almost all the way back to myself! I could not believe it. By the end of the week I was back in all of my school activities and I have never had a relapse of mono since.

What You Don't Know Can Heal You

I have often reflected on this experience. I still do not know what the homeopathic doctor evaluated between my toes, but I know his homeopathic tinctures revived my immune system and helped me return to health in record time.

The lesson I learned is – just because I may not understand how something works, or it seems strange with my current life experience, does not mean it is false or unsuccessful. There are many healing modalities that have been around a lot longer than our current medical system that have found a measure of success. We should not discount something just because we do not understand how it works. This experience with homeopathy has helped me throughout my like to keep an open mind, especially when it comes to alternative healing methods, or something I am unfamiliar with.   

Since my brush with mono I have learned so many neat things about how the body works to heal itself. Some of my experiences or ideas might sound strange – they did to me a first. Just try to keep an open mind and prepare to be amazed. I cannot wait to share what I have learned with you!


Kristi Taylor is a Master Herbalist, Clinical Herbalist and Natural healing Guide®. She endeavors to share her knowledge and passion of natural healing with whomever will listen – because nature’s wisdom never ceases to delight and amaze!



Glady, G., & Reig, L. (2005). Studie über die Wirkung der spezifischen Mikroimmuntherapie bei Patienten, die unter einer chronischen Erkrankung in Verbindung mit dem Epstein-Barr-Virus (EBV) leiden. Erfahrungsheilkunde, 54(04), 248-254.

Hunton, M. (1986). The homoeopathic treatment of glandular fever. British Homeopathic Journal, 75(02), 66-68.

Lara-Marquez, M. L., & Ventura, H. O. (2013). 8. Integrative medicine used for the treatment of viral myopericarditis: A case presentation of an immunocompetent 22 year-old male with stress-induced reactivation of epstein barr virus (EBV) with cardiac involvement. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 32, e3.

Stoff, Jesse A. & Pellegrino, Charles R. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The Hidden Epidemic, Random House: 1989.


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