DIY Body Balm

balm beeswax diy olive oil salve wheat germ oil Dec 07, 2023


Every one should have this Body Balm on hand. And foot. And elbow...

This homemade Body Balm nourishes and soothes even the driest skin and it's super easy to make!

Start by filling a clean jar with dried high quality calendula flowers. The fresher the better.
Cover the dried flowers with extra virgin olive oil, about an inch above the flowers.
Make sure to shake at least once everyday for at least two weeks. This infusion process extracts all of the wonderful healing properties of calendula. If the flowers steep for longer than two weeks that is just fine.

When you are ready to turn your lovely infused oil into body balm, place a fine mesh strainer over a bowel and then line your bowel with a fine mesh cloth. This oil is great for your skin but feel free to don a pair of gloves if you want to keep your hands clean for the rest of the process.

Pour your oil and flowers into the cloth and gather up the corners. Twist and squeeze. This could take a few minutes. You want to get out as much oil as possible so be patient and don't give up. You want every last drop! You'll know when you're done. Those flowers should be almost dry.

Next, prepare 2 ounces of beeswax for every 8 ounces of oil. Pour the infused oil into a pot and gently melt beeswax over low heat. Or, you can try my preferred method which is to melt your beeswax first in a double boiler, then add in your oil. Either way works as long as you keep the heat on low. You don't want to cook this oil. Adding a little wheatgerm oil not only boost the soothing healing properties of this balm but it also helps extend the shelf life.

When the wax is completely melted you want to quickly pour the liquid into prepared containers. As soon as it begins to cool it will begin to solidify so you need to move quickly.
You can use a regular measuring cup, but its much easier pouring from a liquid measuring cup. Speaking form experience…

This balm is both gentle enough for sensitive complexions yet strong enough to encourage skin regeneration. There are so many uses for this body balm!



  • Dried calendula flower heads
  • 8 ounces extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 ounces beeswax
  • 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil
  • a few drops of essential oil (optional)



Fill a jar with calendula flowers, then cover the flowers with extra virgin olive oil to an inch above the flowers. You want to make sure the flowers are covered completely (no peaking). Tightly cap the jar and shake everyday for at least two weeks, then strain out the marc (flowers). T

To strain out the marc place a fine mesh strainer over a glass bowel, then cover the strainer with a clean cloth. Pour your infused oil and flowers into the cloth and squeeze, squeeze, and squeeze some more.

Over low heat melt 2 ounces of beeswax for every extracted cup of oil. (This step may take a bit of math because you will never be able to squeeze out all of the oil from the flowers.) Once the wax is melted add in your oil and stir to blend. Turn off the burner and add in the wheatgerm oil. This is also the time to add in a few drops of essential oil. Adding essential oil is completely optional. 

Your salve will begin to harden right away so quickly pour it into lidded containers. Small containers make great gifts and are easy to carry. Storing your extra salve in the refrigerator will help extend the shelf life.


Kristi Taylor is a Master Herbalist, Clinical Herbalist and Natural healing Guide®. She endeavors to share her knowledge and passion of natural healing with whomever will listen – because nature’s wisdom never ceases to delight and amaze!


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