Reckless with the Sun - Aloe Vera

aloe vera summer sunburn Mar 09, 2023

Summer Sun

Summer camp outs are a wonderful time with our large family. The kids especially look forward to our annual family reunions with their cousins, there is just so much to do and to catch up on.

Late one morning at one of these campouts, I felt the warm sun on my face and realized I had forgotten my hat. (Because of my fair skin I usually wear a hat when I go outside to protect my face and eyes from the sun.) I quickly donned my hat and hoped for the best, but when I returned home later that day I could see bright pink spots on my nose and cheeks. 

I went straight for my row of aloe vera plants sitting in the window and clipped off a leaf. With the edge of a sharp knife, I scored the leaf lengthwise to better expose the gel that was already beginning to ooze. I folded the edges together to expose more gel. The gel felt cool and refreshing as my nose and cheeks quickly absorbed it. As it dried it gave a pale yellow hue to my skin. Unlike commercial aloe vera gels, gel straight from the aloe vera leaf does not feel sticky or tacky when it dries.

The very next day one of my grandsons came to visit and I could see right away that he had been reckless with the sun too. The back of his neck and shoulders were bright red. I cut six more aloe vera leaves and began the process of scoring, folding, and rubbing. Each time the gel dried, I added another layer.

Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe vera is a succulent plant with cactus-like appearance. The thick serrated, lanceolate shaped leaves are light green in color. Within the leaf is a gel-like substance that looks clear, and is odorless and tasteless. The mucilaginous, gel-like substance produces a cooling, refreshing sensation. This gel actually nourishes and repairs as it sooths the skin. You will find aloe vera gel is an ingredient added to many sunburn care products.

Traditionally the gel from the aloe vera plant is used for minor cuts and burns, especially sunburns. This plant has other medicinal qualities, but we will discuss the qualities related to sunburns. The efficacy of aloe vera to treat burn wounds and aid in the healing process has been shown in clinical trials. In a review of previous studies, the conclusion suggest, "the use of Aloe vera to improve wound healing is recommended as the main or complementary treatment alongside other methods" (Hekmatpou, 2019). Another study showed that Aloe vera had beneficial effects in healing deep second degree burns. Aloe vera "boosted the wound growth factors and antioxidant status of the skin tissue" (Atiba, 2022). What is this magnificent plant?! An additional benefit of Aloe vera is that it contains an abundance of acemannan which has antineoplastic activity that stimulates wound repair and blocks the formation of growths that may become cancerous.

It is always wise to protect yourself from over-exposure from the sun, but if you too have a lapse in judgement with the sun, Aloe vera can put you right again.

Additional Challenge

  • Next time you use an Aloe Vera store product, look at the ingredients. Is Aloe Vera the main ingredient or is the main ingredient something else?
  • Buy a small Aloe vera plant to keep in your home. Next time you or someone in your home gets a burn, use a leaf of this plant. Snip off a leaf and score the leaf down the center to access the gel. Apply to the burned area.


Kelly Summers, is a Master Herbalist & Natural Healing Guide®. She knows that knowledge is empowering and deeply desires to share the insights she has learned through her continued journey of learning.



Atiba, Ayman, et. Al. " Topical and oral applications of Aloe vera improve healing of deep second-degree burns in rats via modulation of growth factors".  []

Ganora, Lisa. Herbal constituents: foundations of phytochemistry. Louisville (CO): Herbalchem Press; 2009.

Hekmatpou, Davood, et. Al. "The Effect of Aloe Vera Clinical Trials on Preventions and Healing of Skin Wound: A Systematic Review" .  Iran J Med Sci. 2019 Jan; 44(1): 1–9. [

Wood, Matthew. The Earthwise herbal: a complete guide to old world medicinal plants. Berkeley (CA): North Atlantic Books; Vol 2, 2009. Aloe vera; p. 65.


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