
The Whole Picture

Course Series

Every aspect of you is important for health, healing, and well-being. The Whole Picture course series clarifies the various factors contributing to health and wellness, and takes a deeper look into how these factors effect the whole self: body, mind and spirit. Your eyes will be opened as you explore not only diet and nutrition, but often overlooked influences on health and well-being like the need for human connection, and the power of the mind.

You will learn simple techniques to increase your trajectory of health. These courses are designed for anyone wanting to lose weight, improve health, decrease symptoms of disease, enhance intimacy, or feel greater happiness. Change has never been so simple!


The Whole Picture: Well Defined - Course 1

Want to increase your trajectory of health? It's time for a paradigm shift! Well Defined  clarifies common misconceptions of health and nutrition and explores stumbling blocks that hold you back from looking and feeling WELL. This course couples basic principles with simple techniques. Ready to make sustained progress towards improved health and reduced symptoms of age and disease? Genes do not determine destiny! What you do with them does.


The Whole Picture:      Well Made - Course 2

Well made delves deep into ingredients and nutrients that help or hinder the body's ability to be whole. We weigh healthy fat vs. bad fat, explore optimum ways to fuel the body, breakdown macros and micros, introduce the purpose and need for vitamins and minerals, expound good sugar vs. bad sugar, and identify real food and its many masqueraders.  Ignorance is not bliss - knowledges is power! Learn to make simple, tasty, and healthy food, for all the right reasons! 



The Whole Picture:      Well Being - Course 3

Well Being explores the power of the mind, the gut brain connection, sleep, movement, breath, nutrition, intimate relationships and the influence they have on physical and emotional well-being. The body, mind, and spirit are interconnected. What is good for the body is good for the spirit. What is good for the spirit is good for the mind. What is good for the mind is good for the body. Addressing the whole being ensures well-being. It's more than a state of mind. It's a state of being.




New Course Release!

Want a SNEAK PEEK of our newest course The Whole Picture: Well-Defined?  Sample a few modules and get a feel for what's inside. We are so confident you'll like what you learn, you'll be back for more!  





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The suggestions, ideas, and procedures on this website are not intended as a substitute for medical advice from a trained physician. Contact us: [email protected]